Sunday 22 August 2010

"Chanel Singulière" - Part Bare, Part Particulière...

I was very excited to receive my duo of Chanel nail polishes from Lovethescents in Canada the other day, and couldn't wait to try them on. As a chronic nail biter, I have worn nail polish on only a handful of occasions - the last time was about nine months ago. So while I eagerly awaited the package, I set about the serious business of growing my nails - not long, particularly, just fractionally longer than the tips of my fingers. By the time the polishes arrived, three fingers on my left hand had grown to the requisite length, and just one nail on the other hand. Nothing daunted, I followed the old axiom: "Half a loaf is better than none", and applied Particulière to half a hand (give or take).

I then asked Mr Bonkers what he thought of my new, 30% elegant look. I thought that he couldn't not approve of nail polish, as it doesn't smell like perfume. Well, not once it is dry certainly, and while nail varnish remover has a very strong odour - albeit nostalgically reminiscent of the pear drops of our youth - I wasn't planning on exposing him to that. He jokingly inquired if I was trying to camouflage myself agains the newly painted alcoves in the living room. They are indeed a mushroomy colour (slightly deeper than in the photograph), and on reflection, the tricky challenge of sidling up to the arm of the sofa and wresting the TV remote from Mr Bonkers' vice-like grasp might be a lot more manageable now that I blend into the décor more. Even three nails might do it. Or I could wait until all ten are at an optimum length before attempting such a feat.

Mind you, waiting for nails to grow takes even longer than watching paint dry.


  1. Very pretty. Go ahead and paint the other ones. Short nails are trendy.

  2. Soon! The right hand is coming along nicely...

  3. It looks wonderful on you! So very elegant and the length is perfect :-)

  4. Thanks, lovethescents! I defer to your greater knowledge in these manicure matters... : - )

  5. Pretty colour!I am useless with nails, largely due to the childseat buckle in the car. I love my glass nail file though, having always hated the feel and sound of emery boards.

  6. I see - well, I guess you could come back to nail varnish when your daughter is old enough to enjoy unrestrained car travel. Meanwhile, I can imagine that your glass nail file gives you nearly as much pleasure as a set of colourful finger tips!

  7. I love it too. Most elegant. You've inspired me to dig out my bottle of nail hardener and try once more to get my own digital fashion accessories up to snuff. :)

  8. It suits you! And of course it suits you because of the shorter nails. This is by far less aggressive then long nails, especially when they are painted. I am wearing Blue Satin on short nails today, and the edgyness works out if you are dressed rather casual. For a really elegnat look take rosewood. That woorks always.

  9. Hi Wordbird,

    Am chuckling at "digital fashion accessories", but that is putting your finger on it!

  10. Hi Andreea

    I bet you look great in Blue Satin, especially with your new hair cut (well, I haven't seen you for a while!).
