Monday 2 January 2012

New Year Update

This is just a quick line to say that the posts I had lined up for the early New Year may appear a little later than planned. Yesterday I received the sad news that the friend in Holland with whom I spent last New Year has passed away, and I am flying out for the funeral at the weekend. A relative is also seriously ill in hospital at the moment, and I have additionally come down with the communal cold that is doing the rounds here. In view of my looming work deadline, I am hoping I will be able to knock it into submission with industrial quantities of Vitamin C and positive thinking.

So although 2012 has not got off to a great start in this corner, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my readers for their interest in - and comments on - Bonkers about Perfume in 2011, and to wish you all a Happy New Year!

Next up will be an account of my meeting with The Olfactorias in Austria, but meanwhile, here is a link to my New Year's post from last year, and happier times...

Photo of Spakenburg harbour from Wikipedia


  1. I am really sorry to hear your sad news Vanessa, I will be sending positive thoughts your way.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Thomas x

  2. So sorry to hear that, Vanessa. Here's hoping 2012 will bring brighter times as well. Feel better soon and take care.

  3. Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for your kind comment and good wishes. I do feel rough I must say, but it is only a cold after all, and recent events put it well and truly into perspective.

  4. Hi potiron,

    Thanks for that! I hope you have a good year too and that we will see each other again in 2012.

  5. Many condolences on the loss of your friend, Vanessa. So sorry.

    Hope your relative makes a speedy recovery and you feel brighter very soon.

    Best wishes for 2012.

  6. Hi tara,

    Thanks for your kind words - I really appreciate it.

    Thanks too for your support of Bonkers (and generous perfume enabling : - ) ) over the past year, and I hope you have a great 2012!

    Perhaps I will have an opportunity to meet you in person this year, which I would very much like.

  7. Very sorry to hear your year is not exactly starting out well.
    Sending my condolences, best wishes and a big hug your way.
    xoxo, B

  8. Very sorry to learn of your sad news, Vanessa. Sending you my very best wishes for the New Year and hope that everything is on the uptick for you soon.

    By the way, a package is going in the mail to you tomorrow. If you're not home when it arrives, you might want to suggest to Mr. Bonkers that he tuck it away some place cool until you can open it (as there's something meltable in it ... not like ice cream, of course, but it should probably be stored away from heat.) :-)

  9. I wish you, Mr. B and Charlie B. all the best in 2012 even though it sounds like you're having a rough time at the moment. My condolences on the passing of your friend.

    On a lighter note-I love your blog and never miss an installment. It's a delight to read : )

  10. Hi Olfactoria,

    That's sweet of you and all three are gratefully accepted.

  11. My condolences, Vanessa. I'll be thinking of you.

  12. Hi Suzanne,

    "On the uptick" - I like that expression and had never heard it before.

    And thanks so much in advance for my package - that is a very kind gesture, and it sounds most intriguing. "Meltable", eh? A quite specific term, even though you are careful to point out that we are not talking ice cream here...

  13. Hi Cymbaline,

    Thanks so much for your heartwarming comments and for being a loyal follower of Bonkers. I am lucky to have a reader like you!

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

    : - )

  14. Hi JoanElaine,

    Thanks very much - and Happy New Year to you.

  15. Oh Veee, I'm so sorry about your Dutch friend. I know this was a long time coming, but it's never easy when it happens. My heart goes out to you.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for your relative's recovery, or at least a more comfortable position.

    Sending you lots of good wishes and warm thoughts.


  16. Vanessa, I'm sorr to hear all of this. I am sending good vibes your way and hoping for the best.

  17. Oh dear. I am "sorry", not "sor." And there was supposed to be a (hug) at the end of that.

  18. Hi lovethescents,

    Thanks so much for your good wishes. It is the fact that my friend was only a year older than me that makes it especially hard.

    Not sure what is going to happen with my relative - she may be transferred to a care home eventually. She looked pretty frail to me, such that I couldn't imagine her being well enough to cope on her own - or even with part time carers. Will find out more this week, hopefully.

    Happy New Year to you and will Skype soon!

  19. Hi anotherperfumeblog,

    Thanks for your good vibes - delivered piecemeal is fine! : - )

    Wishing you a Happy New Year in your new home!

  20. Dear Vanessa, I'm very sorry to hear about your friend (and your relative).
    I also hope you are better soon and that the year brings you much happiness.

  21. Hi Ines,

    Thanks very much. My friend was a big character and full of life, so I think the funeral will be a celebration of that.

    I feel really rough with this cold and am struggling just to do my quota of work each day, but I will be posting again soon!

    Happy New Year to you, and with luck we will get to meet in 2012...

    : - )

  22. Dear Vanessa,

    My condolences. It's sooo hard to loose people we love. And I'm sending the warmest possible thoughts your way. Take care of yourself!

  23. Hi Undina,

    Thanks for your warm thoughts - they are much appreciated. I am feeling slightly better tonight, and hope to be more or less okay for the trip to Holland.

    May I wish you a very Happy New Year! Next time I am so close to Undinaville, I will be sure to make a detour... : - )

  24. Such a sad start to the year for you, Vanessa. I'm very sorry for your loss.

    I'm wafting Olbas Oil at the screen in the hope that you get the benefit.

    Look after yourself, please.

    Anna in Edinburgh

  25. Hi Anna,

    Thanks very much, also for the Olbas oil. I have an old Vicks Sinex inhaler, but I think it is past its best.

    A Happy New Year to you, and thanks for all your support.
    : - )

    I hope to write my Austrian report shortly...

  26. Vanessa, I am so sorry about your friends and family. Take as much time as you need, and know that we will be ecstatic upon your return no matter when it is.

  27. Hi Ari,

    Thanks for your sweet comment. I managed to post again tonight about my recent meeting with Birgit and family, and it cheered me up in fact to write about such a happy event. : - )
