Tuesday 2 October 2012

Crash, Bang, Wallop, What A Mention - Bonkers Is In The Daily Telegraph!

By a curious quirk of the Interwebs, my recent review of Lidl's latest fragrance release, X-Bolt for men by G Bellini, was picked up the next day by Harry Wallop, a Features Writer at The Daily Telegraph. He dropped me a line, asking me to get in touch, as he wanted to have a chat about the Lidl aftershave by way of background research for a "fun feature" of his own on the subject.

The finished article can be read here:

I have to admit that it was quite thrilling to be referred to by my surname, like a criminal or some kind of authority figure - you know the way papers do. That distinction is usually reserved for Sibling Bonkers, the "go-to" seismologist to whom the British media turn whenever the Richter Scale nudges 7 and up.

And "metrosexual" or not, I learnt that Harry Wallop himself doesn't in fact wear aftershave himself, but perhaps that is all about to change. For it turns out that Lidl is a purveyor of more than "keenly priced cherry brandy" and an "eclectic selection of sausages". In G Bellini X-Bolt it has pulled off a "rather good apple juice" too... ; - )

For anyone who is interested and who may have missed them first time round, check out these links to my earlier posts on Lidl's female fragrances, Suddenly Madame Glamour (a dead ringer for Chanel Coco Mademoiselle) and Suddenly D'Or (a dupe of Ghost Luminous).

Photo of Daily Telegraph logo from ishabaydhaba.com


  1. Plus, Octavian Coifan name-checked the Telegraph article on today's 1000Fragrances post! :D Yay!

  2. Hi Olenska,

    Well I never! Will check that out. I am not keeping up with my blog reading very well at the moment due to work and the aftermath of the move. Why, if it wasn't for Elena's tip off on Twitter, I might not even have clocked the Telegraph one, though I was keeping an eye out!

  3. Finally I was able to read the article and watch the vid today.

    Very enjoyable and super cool to see you quoted, Musson!

  4. Congrats on becoming the go-to expert. Hope Telegraph readers take the trouble to find the blog.

    Speaking of which, Robin on NST has posted a squib today with links to the article and to your blog.

    -- Lindaloo

  5. Hi Tara,

    You gave me goosebumps calling me Musson!

    Hope to see you soon - and get back to blogging in earnest once I am through this twin tunnel of a "quart" work project in a "pint" timeframe, and juggling roles of builder's, decorator's, carpet fitters', plumber's and sundry other tradespeople's mate. Today, for example, I was mostly putting my weight on the bottom of ladders....

  6. Hi Lindaloo,

    Thanks for the heads up on Robin's link - it was both fun and odd to be an actual news item!

    By the way, you of all people might be interested in the fact that Harry Wallop and I also talked in passing about attention-grabbing post titles, and he agreed that I might have missed my calling as a tabloid headline writer. As a quality broadsheet, sadly The Daily Telegraph is not likely to have any such openings...also not in the job sense!

  7. Way to go, non-seismological Musson! I'm proud of you!

  8. Hi Olfactoria,

    You are hilarious! : - ) : - )

  9. Woohoo! So nifty. Hopefully this won't be the last mention of you or the wonderful Bonkers blog. British readers are going to have to get used to distinguishing between your expertise (Musson, olfaction) and your sibling (Musson, seismology). :)

  10. Hi anotherperfumeblog,

    Haha, very kind of you to say so! My brother rang me from Portugal last night, and laughed when I told him about this new-found form of sibling rivalry!

  11. I got the news from your FB post but got here only today. What can I say? Really impressive! (though, I must admit, seeing somebody I know addressed by the last name is a rare occasion for me (I don't have any famous siblings ;) ).

  12. Hi Undina,

    Hey, thanks! I think the concept of fame is a bit different in scientific circles - I don't think my brother would ever be recognised in the street, say - or even on the TV except by family and friends - and he does appear quite regularly on our screens whenever there is a major earthquake anywhere. Oh, and he has a book coming out any day, commissioned by Macmillan in the USA, and arguably essential reading for anyone living on a fault line... ; - )

  13. OMGosh I completely missed this - I was thinking of you today so I brought up your blog to see if I had missed anything!



  14. Hi Carol,

    Thanks for popping by - I know I have been very quiet lately on the blogging front, but really hope to get going again soon now the flurry of house related stuff is quietening down.

