Monday 25 February 2013

Result Of The L'Artisan Séville à L'Aube / Travalo Giveaway!

The deadline for the Séville à L'Aube / Travalo giveaway has passed!  And so, just now, in the absence of my tried and tested method of picking the winning number using the "Mr Bonkers Random Number Generator" method, I had recourse to its more conventional Internet equivalent,

I therefore have pleasure in announcing that the winner is:


Could you please drop me a line to over the course of the next few days to claim your prize?  Everyone was entered in the draw, with the option of either an empty Travalo or a decant of Séville à L'Aube.  I think you were interested in the perfume itself?  Let me have your address and I will pop your chosen prize in the post without delay!