Sunday 15 December 2013

Puredistance BLACK sample draw - just in time for the LBD season!

Back in October, I wrote a very enthusiastic review of BLACK, the latest release from Dutch luxury perfume house, Puredistance.  I classified it under my 'Careful Whispers' series because it is quite distinctive, yet stays close to the skin - the PR copy is spot on in this regard:

"The essence of the concept was to create a perfume that is close to the wearer and releases elegant and sensual layers in a whispering way - without shouting."

BLACK has now been launched, and I am one of the bloggers whom the friendly people at Puredistance have invited to host a sample draw.  There have been some other giveaways of BLACK samples already, but as with soap and tea towels, I don't believe you can have too many where this particular perfume is concerned, until everyone gets a chance to try it.  So if you weren't successful before, have another shot on Bonkers just in time for the Little Black Dress season! For I do think BLACK would add the perfect finishing touch to such an outfit - well, assuming you are female and someone who attends that sort of party, which wouldn't be me, for example.  As a matter of fact I have noticed an increase this year in 'bad taste Christmas jumper parties', so the traditional 'cocktail frock' may be on the wane.

Regarding the mechanics of the giveaway, there are 3 x 2ml vials up for grabs, which will be mailed out by Puredistance themselves.  Which is a bit of a relief, frankly, as my local post office has - most uncharacteristically - started to give me the third degree about the contents of my international packages, and I have even had to tell the odd outright fib.

In order to qualify, please leave a comment below answering any of the following questions:

What qualities / moods do you associate with the colour black?

When putting together an outfit, which colour do you feel works best with black - apart from more black!?  Or conversely, what colours would you avoid?  

If you had a black cat, what would you call it, and why?

Additionally, Puredistance have specified another requirement, namely that you 'like' Puredistance on Facebook ( or follow them on Twitter - '@puredistance'.

The draw is open to readers anywhere in the world, and you don't have to follow Bonkers - though followers are always welcome!  I have set a closing date of December 21st. Now I am not sure when Puredistance close for the holidays, so please be patient if they are not able to ship the samples to the winners till the New Year.  I will keep you informed of the logistics side of things as I get word, and you can contact me at any time for an update on 'flittersniffer at gmail dot com'.

Good luck!


  1. What a lovely giveaway. I won a sample on another blog so will refrain from entering, but love your questions V. Black really sound great, can't wait to try it.

    Good luck to those entering.

    1. Hi Tara,

      I am glad you won a sample already - I figured that would be the case here and there. I really hope you like BLACK when it comes!

  2. How exciting, thanks for the draw! I "met" you on Olfactoria's Travels, Vanessa, and started following Bonkers right away. Black is so prevalent in my life that I don't really have feelings about it one way or another; I wear it almost daily, have black dishes, linens, etc. I wouldn't wear it with yellow or orange - bees, Halloween - or navy, but anything else is alright. I am adopting a 5yr old black cat next month whose name is Gonzo, which I'm not thrilled about, but that's his name, not sure I can change it at this point.

    1. Hi rosarita,

      I remember 'meeting' you very well and am delighted to know you have been a follower of Bonkers ever since. ;) Black is quite a permeating colour, I agree. I have a black computer, a black pencil case, and my dictaphone I use for work comes in a black case. I have certainly been known to go out dressed nearly top to toe in black, if not in a LBD as such. I completely agree about not wearing black with yellow or orange - I wore a black shift dress with side panels of taupe in it to a wedding last year and that seemed to work.

      Happy for your upcoming cat adoption, though like you am not too struck on the name Gonzo. However, as you say, the poor puss has had it for a long time!

  3. What a lovely prize! My 2 favourite black cats were called Monty Zoomer and Clawdia Catenale - sadly they are no longer with us. My current mostly black cat is called Cleo Cupcake but the next black cat - she needs a companion and a kitten has been promised - looks like she might be a Dolly Diamond. Yes, all my cats get two names.

    1. Hi Bee,

      You and your comprehensively named cats - past, present and future - are in the draw. It goes without saying that I heartily approve of both the puns and alliteration in their names...

  4. Oooh fun questions! I'll answer them but please don't add me to the draw. And I must say I'm sorry you're getting the third degree from your PO. BTW, I just found out where the phrase "third degree" comes from.

    The main quality that black evokes for me is mystery!

    Best color with black is purple (I vividly remember, when being in Paris for my first and only time in 1979/1980 - I was able to ring in the new year there - a woman sharply dressed in black with a splash of purple)

    Our dear departed Rose (sister to dear departed Jack) was a darling black cat. Miss her all the time and I still think I see her lounging about the house.

    Thanks Bonks -this was fun!

    1. Hi Carol,

      Thanks for taking the time to answer not one, but all three questions, especially as you are not bothered about being entered in the draw! ;-) Purple and black does indeed sound rather dashing and dramatic. I lived in the South of France in that same year, and you have just reminded me of the teal and black jersey dress I bought while out there...I wore it from then till the early 90s, can you imagine?! It was kind of drapey and classic, or so I figured.

      Ah, dear Rose - I should have made a point of going to the cellar to see her while the going was good...

  5. Thanks for the wonderful draw. I would love to try this scent as I think all of their work is amazing. I'll answer the easy question, I do have an all black cat and her name is Coco.

    1. Hi Dubaiscents,

      Well, if you like Puredistance's other work, I'd say there is a very good chance you'll like BLACK. A cat called Coco sounds perfect on so many levels!

  6. goody - a prize draw and fun questions. Black for me is a colour I adore wearing from October through to March but not at all in summer. The mood/qualities I associate with black is serenity. I love wearing silver with black - a bit of lurex sparkle not the complete tinsel effect. I have received a bit of help with a suitable name - how about 'tomcat ford' ? No ? ok maybe Noirito is better ?

    1. Hi Holly,

      Very good effort on the cat name coining - and please do thank your helper from me. ;) Silver jewellery sounds like a nice accent, and I agree that I am less drawn to black in the summer, though it still features here and there. I have a black summer dress with pink spriggy flowers, would you believe?

  7. Hello! Wonderful draw, thank you!
    Felling/mood: I associate the color black with feeling safe. I always feel secure when I wear black.

    Color to wear with black: I wear a lot of black and I like to wear almost any other color with it as an accent, but I would say mostly deep teal or gray.

    Name of a black cat: I did actually have a black cat from 1994-2004. Her name was Seraphina Raven. She had blue eyes, she was half Siamese.

    1. Hi Annina,

      Thanks for your comprehensive answers - I think black is a grounding colour, yes. Teal, gray and camel/taupe are my favourite colours with black, so we have similar tonal leanings there! And Seraphina Raven is a magnificent name - she sounds like a character and am sorry she is no longer with you. ;-(

  8. Do not enter me into the giveaway since I have a sample already.

    I love everything black. My most favorite combinations with it is black-gray and black-camel.

    1. Hi Undina,

      Thanks for commenting though you are already sorted on the sample front. Like you, and as I was saying to Annina above, I am very much a fan of the grey and camel combos.

  9. lovely draw, thank you
    Black= introspection
    black outfit + a touch of purple
    I had a black superb cat and he was called Dagobert
    best wishes for the holidays

    1. Hi Irina,

      You're in the draw! I enjoyed your concise answers - introspection is an interesting observation. Black is definitely calm, thoughtful and dignified, or can be. And we have another vote for a touch of purple, as per the French lady mentioned above! Dagobert is a cracking name for your cat, and Happy Holidays to you too.

  10. Black will always be the new Black and thank you for the draw.
    In winter I wear a lot of black in combination with either beige or bright colours like pink,red and purple. In summer I like a White/black mix.
    My cat is black and his name is Basil.

    1. Hi Sabine,

      I like that - 'black as the new black'. ;) And you mention a nice range of colours to wear with it. I am a bit of a monochrome fan myself, on various levels indeed, hehe. Hello to Basil! Quite a few readers have, or have had, black cats - I wasn't expecting that...

  11. Hi tomatefarcie,

    Good luck in the draw! A red lipstick with a black outfit is indeed very classy, and I envy people who can pull it off. Given your name, I would expect you to be one of the lucky ones! I do have one red lip gloss that is fine, and it is my 'go-to' touch of red - Revlon Firecracker. Oh, and I like Night as a name for a cat - has a hint of mystery, almost.

  12. Ok I'll give answer for each.

    When I think of black I think of Bowie's Ashes to Ashes video with Steve Strange's gang in their widows weeds & black sky.

    Like neon shades with black. Black gives them class and takes them beyond Wham's Wake me up before you go go video. Equally don't do white with black.. too many washing disasters & stone & charcoal is a bit drab & too close to school uniforms.

    Cat. Misty after 70s girls comic a la Bunty but Misty was mysterious and looked like Kate Bush

    Dorothy (@ThirteenFive70)

    1. Hi Dorothy,

      Nice to hear from you! I like the sound of the video you mention and I gather that the perfumer drew some inspiration from the personality of both David Bowie and Jeremy Irons, so your visualisation is particularly fitting. Ah, washing disasters...I have had a few of those too. And Misty is a lovely name for a cat. You have got me remembering those 'cut out and keep outfits' that came with Bunty, with the little fold-y over tabs to put the clothes on the paper doll...;)

  13. I won't enter as I have won a sample already, and just to make sure, I'll not answer a single question. Instead I have one for you. Or more of a sentence fragment followed by a question mark. Bad taste Christmas jumper parties?

    1. Would 'sweater' help? Here's an actual invite to such a party in Belfast - I lived in the next street when I was a student!

  14. Oh, and one in Oldham...

  15. What a lovely draw, thank you!

    I love pairing black with green, especially a deep ivy color. But maybe because that's just my favorite color :)

    If I had a black cat, I would rather unimaginatively name him/her Lucky.

    1. Hi Hannah,

      A deep ivy sounds nice with black, and a cat called Lucky may be unimaginative but would be practical, especially if you train it to cross paths in the prescribed way.. ;)

  16. Our family had a black cat with the deeply unoriginal name of Sheba. Re the Gonzo problem -- someone once said that cats are okay with new names rhyming with their old, so maybe Jonzo, Ponzo or Tonzo? Not that they make much sense...

    They're called Ugly Christmas Sweaters over here, and I even saw a sweater-uglifying kit, featuring felt reindeer, pom-poms, etc.

    Also, I am probably going to disqualify myself from the draw since I really hate Facebook's "Like", so won't do it. Perhaps contrarily, I don't even want a "Dislike" option...AnnieA

    1. Hi AnnieA,

      That's a good trick about renaming a cat with a homonym. My mother similarly didn't care for the word 'Mummy', so she was known as 'Pummy' instead!

      A kit to uglify Christmas sweaters - whatever next...?!

      And I quite understand about your reluctance to fulfil the conditions of the draw. This is the first manufacturer's giveaway I have ever hosted - normally there are no conditions other than leaving a comment. I did feel that the perfume itself warranted the extra hoops readers are required to jump through, but thanks for stating your view.

  17. I consider black to be a serious color and that it emphasizes the statement of any other that it gets paired with.Worst options Orange & black(halloween connotations) and Yellow (particularly striped with)black =bees!
    I do have a black cat ,named Zorro .As a small kitten he loved to dash out from under furniture and swat!swat!swat! ---and RUN! thus the name .Now as a older and much fatter cat (18 pounds/1 stone 4 pounds to you Brits) he tends to catch ZZzzzzzs . Purrrr.
    Thanks for the draw ! I hope you are healling up from your sprain and cold. Merry Christmas!

    1. Hi Jennifer,

      I am so with you on the unfortunate connotations of black and orange or black and yellow.

      Zorro sounds like a characterful and substantial cat! Like the idea of him catching 'Zzz's' these days. ;)

      My hand is recovering slowly, thanks, though it is still painful to do certain movements. Am surprised it has taken so long, frankly. I'll know better next time...

      Good luck in the draw!
