Friday 11 March 2011

200th Post, A Bonkers Fly Drive Trip, And A Giveaway Rain Check!

For my 100th post on Bonkers, I wrote a review of Maison Kurkdjian's APOM pour Femme, a recently discovered perfume love and one which perfectly encapsulated how, in the past three years, fragrance has become an important and integral part of my life - a piece of me, no less.

I fully intended to mark the occasion of my 200th post with a review of another significant scent release, and was going to call it: "200th Post - Going The Puredistance". I planned to team it with a draw for a fragrance blending kit from The Perfume Studio (of which I am an associate), in either the Oriental, Floral or Fresh styles. Each kit contains six different accords pre-mixed in alcohol, which can then be blended in a variety of combinations. Well, I will do both those things in due course, but not today, sadly, as I am packing for another Bonkers work trip to the US and have it - as they say - "all to do". There have been Bonkers Road and Bonkers Rail Trips before, so I am pleased to be ringing the changes on the transport mode front, at least.

While I am over there, I hope to meet up with ScentScelf and Bloody Frida, and maybe one or two other fumeheads, schedules permitting. The work itself and the state-hopping itinerary will be pretty punishing, but I will be sure to take advantage of any retail sniffing opportunities that cross my path.

Now I am sorry posts on Bonkers have been a bit sparse of late, but I have been working UK and US business hours for the past fortnight, knocking off at 11pm and not really managing to do the usual domestic stuff like laundry, food shopping, or even eating. On those few occasions when I have attempted to prepare food from scratch ingredients, I have invariably been sidetracked and the food has spoilt. The abandoned mushrooms in the grill pan pictured are just the tip of the icebox. This catalogue of neglect extends to newsprint: my copy of The Times from 26th February is still sitting on the living room table, taunting me with its pristine pages and increasingly historical content.

So I hope that normal service - and a more substantial anniversary post (with giveaway!) - will be resumed on my return towards the end of the month. Meanwhile, my brain feels how that map looks...


  1. Hoping to see you! Have a safe trip, dear Bonks! **hugs**

  2. Congrats on 200 bonker posts and congrats on business success. :-) Have a safe flight and a good time with the fellow perfumistas.

  3. Hi Bloody Frida,

    Thanks! This time next week I should be in your area if my plans stick to the wall... Will be in touch.

  4. Hi potiron,

    Thank you, and I hope to see you later in the spring - have some European jobs in the pipeline and they often have a Swiss component, as you know! : - )

  5. Well done on the 200th post. Wishing you many more. I've only recently starting visiting your blog, but hope to read a lot more of it over the ensuing months!

  6. Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the good wishes, and I hope you enjoy dipping into the Bonkers back catalogue. British perfume bloggers appear to be relatively thin on the ground, so it is good to meet another one!

  7. Don't forget the chocolate stash that'll get you through the driving days.

    Take care, and good luck with your work,

    cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh

  8. Happy sojourning on our shores, which will feel very much enriched by your presence.... and a very happy 200th post!

  9. Have a great trip and fun with ScentScelf and BF (and who ever else you manage to meet).
    I find it great how these trips of yours enable you to meet in person some of the bloggers. :) Can't wait to hear all about it.

  10. Vanessa, Happy 200th post! Your trip sounds great fun (I am somewhat jealous that you get to meet our blogging friends)! Will look forward to your always entertaining report. Happy travels!

  11. Have a safe (and productive in all respects) trip!

  12. Congratulations on reaching 200 :-)

  13. :-D

    First of all, a Bonkers post is always welcome, whenever it appears Attend to business as necessary; I just keep coming by until you've left another treat.

    Second of all, the chance to actually meet. Now how cool is THAT? (Actually, I can securely say "pretty darn cool"...)

    Speaking of seconds, I concur with Anna. Chocolate stash, very important. Including seconds. ;)

  14. Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all your good wishes about the 200th post and the trip. Taking Anna's and ScentScelf's advice, I have bought some M & Ms as a precautionary measure - hope I don't leave them behind in the hotel this time. Mind you, at the rate I am getting through them this seems unlikely.

    It was terrific to meet ScentScelf - we had a great day sniffing and generally hanging out, which set me up for the working week ahead!

  15. Congratulations, and have a good trip!

  16. Congratulations to you! Wishing you a safe trip, a safe return home to write more :-)

  17. congratulations- and you must be very very tired!

    hope you get some good sleep soon and looking forward to catching up one you are rested
