Friday 25 March 2011

New Post On Ça Fleure Bon - Le Labo Synesthetic Workshop: Scent & The Sense Of Touch - Smelling Me Softly + Draw

Am just back - red eyed and not so bushy tailed - from the Bonkers Fly Drive Trip to the States (travel and scented dispatches to follow shortly!), but meanwhile here is my latest post on Ça Fleure Bon about the Le Labo sensory workshop I attended last month. I proved yet again that my spontaneous powers of scent recognition are woefully lacking, but I found a new perfume love, there was a surprise twist involving Mr Bonkers...and readers leaving a comment about their favourite Le Labo fragrance will be entered in a prize draw to win a discovery set of 3 x 5ml scents from the range (Labdanum 18, Neroli 36 and Rose 31)!

Photo of Le Labo store from


  1. Welcome home (and congratulations on your continued great work for Ca Fleure Bon). I've definitely been missing the Bonkers perspective -- had to resort to reading your archives for chuckles. Your public awaits you.

    -- Lindaloo

  2. Hi Lindaloo,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment on both sites! : - )

    I am touched that you have been missing Bonkers and delving into the archives - the first of my US trip posts will be along later this weekend!

  3. welcome back Bonks!! Please don't enter me in the give-away as I already have two of those - loving the Labdanum soo much!! thank you!

  4. Hi BF!

    Okay, I shan't enter you in the draw, then, but you know where to come if you need a top up.

    Was lovely to see you at the weekend - I had a blast and I don't think you are cranky at all... : - )

  5. Oops, I read the posts in reverse order so I wished you well on your trip over at Ca Fleure Bon before I found out that you were already back!

    Welcome back:-)

    shuffles off awkwardly ...

    cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh

  6. Hi Anna,

    Thanks for your multi-site comments and please don't shuffle on my account! What's a bit of chronology between friends...? : - )

  7. Hello, Vanessa!
    I have just added your blog to my follow-list thanks to recommendations from NST and found out that you are the person at Cafleurebon who remembers all birthdays ;)

    Nice to meet you! I will be stopping by :)

  8. Hello a.k.a Warum,

    Thanks for dropping in here!

    As a German speaker (after a fashion), your screen name has intrigued me for a while, though I think you said on Olfactoria's? blog that you aren't an actual German yourself?!

    Anyway, I am indeed that autistic soldier with the extreme birthday recall and the colour coded highlighter pens, and am happy that you have found your way to Bonkers!

  9. I haven't had a chance to smell any Le Labo fragrances as I'm such a nascent perfumista (only recently struck down myself), but I am really looking forward to smelling Le Labo Rose 31, sounds like it would match my tastes! Love the name of your blog :)

  10. Hi Meghan,

    Nice to see you here - nascent and full-blown perfumistas equally welcome. I am only 3 years into this obsession myself - so many wasted years...I try not to think about it.

  11. Can't wait for the Bonkers transAmerican travelogue-- I'm so glad your winged feet flitted across this soil! (In a perfect world there would be a perfume planet we could all teleport to at will, to meet & mingle with our fellow fumeheads.... Science, please return my phone calls. :D) As for Le Labo, Oud 27 has taken me hostage. Stockholm Syndrome is fast setting in. Please advise, or send Patty Hearst with a suitcase full of black turtlenecks. :)

  12. Hello Olenska,

    A perfume planet would be handy, I agree. Meanwhile, I am gradually working my way east, I guess. California...the can only be a question of time before I hit the Mid-Mid-Mid Atlantic, or its Mid-Mid fringes at least!

    LOL at Stockholm Syndrome and the black turtleneck sweaters! Oud 27 is emerging as one of people's favourites from the line and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by it, not being an oud fan as a rule.

  13. Welcome home! Looking forward to reading again :-)

  14. Hi lovethescents,

    I started knitting your mobius scarf tonight, but didn't get very far - certainly not from here to infinity, shall we say!
