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Source: bugloaf.com |
Then, in time-honoured fashion, I had recourse to that virtual bouncy ball number generating machine that is Random.org and can announce that the winner is No 3:
Congratulations, Undina!
Do please get in touch to discuss whether anything from my list appeals, or if not, what selection of samples or other decant might hit the spot.
Oh, and I must just share this post-it note with you, which I left on my desk last night as a reminder to myself about the giveaway. It rather suggests that I am not such a whizz at spelling as I like to think...
Congrats to you, Bonks for 400 posts and 150 followers (I'm sure there are more - you can follow without anyone knowing)
And also congrats to Undina!!!
Yey! :) Thank you, Vanessa!
I won! I won!
Well done Undina!
And V, as a terrible speller myself, your rare post-it slip-up was comforting ;)
Thanks, Carol - and well done indeed to Undina!
Covert followers, bring 'em on. ;-)
I will PM you, Undina, to find out your prize leanings!
Hi Tara,
Haha - it really tickled me, I must say. I have even started to see rogue possessive apostrophes creeping in when I write 'its', but so far I have caught them in time. And some of that is Siri's predictive grammar. ;-)
Congrats Unida!Congrats to Vanessa and her wonderfully interesting blog, i hope i'm around when you hit that 1 million mark!
Hi Patriciacha,
Thanks for your kind comment about my blog! I will do my very best to keep it interesting. ;-)
And well done to Undina - we are in contact to discuss what she would like as her prize.
Grats Undina, and to you too, Vanessa! My apologies for not being on the blogosphere much, there's so much to do!
Hi thesmellyvagabond,
Thanks a lot and I totally understand about life getting in the way when it comes to blogging - I am in a mad busy phase myself at the moment. :-)
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