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Source: community.babycentre.co.uk |
A number of the themes from that post still hold true: 'the mania is past, but I still love perfume', 'my collection scares and delights me in equal measure', and 'the people matter as much as the perfume, if not more so'. I am also still very much into 'slow blogging', whether I happen to have work - or not (as has been the case rather too much this year).
But my stance on a few topics has shifted since last year, plus I have thought of a few other things to mention, so here goes...
Decorating killed the perfume fridges
In my 3.6 year post I voiced concerns that the damp atmosphere in my fridges might be doing my perfume collection as much harm as the chilled temperature was doing it good. And then I had the two bedrooms decorated in the second half of 2013 and it took me all of two seconds to decide that whirring lumps of metal and glass are not a particularly aesthetic look, and both fridges were promptly relegated to the garage, where they remain today. One of them is an actual fridge in fact, rather than just a drinks chiller, so it does get pressed into service at Christmas as a temporary turkey repository. My perfumes take their chances in a cupboard under the stairs or shoeboxes under beds - oh, and I have one open receptacle for favourite bottles, that is just kept on the floor, but in a darkish spot.
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The late Charlie Bonkers with one of the fridges at the old house |
The Facebook ban has lifted - as mysteriously as it appeared!
Back in June 2013, I was troubled by my inability to promote my blog posts on Facebook, owing to the fact that a supposed 'friend' of mine anonymously had reported my blog as 'spammy or abusive', as a result of which I was not able to link to it on an indefinite basis. Then just last week, some two and a half years after this dastardly deed ;), Liz Moores tipped me the wink that the ban had vanished - as she was able to post a proper link to my review of Angélique. I feel like a suspect against whom all charges have suddenly been dropped. So, to reprise the point in my earlier stocktake - 'You can't please everybody' - you can't, but it seems the obstructive effects of trollery have an expiry date after all.
A bit blurry, but featuring an actual Facebook link to my blog! |
I am no longer - even ever so slightly - affiliated!
At the time of my post last year I had recently agreed to display a promotional banner for Ormonde Jayne in the side bar of the blog. It was a house I had a lot of time for, and the static banner seemed in keeping with my general scheme - in fact it added a welcome dash of colour in the margins. I was most particular that I didn't want anything flickering or revolving, as that way lies an amusement arcade. However, it had only been up a matter of weeks when the PR company who acted as the go-between in this arrangement was ditched by the brand, taking my little punt at 'monetising' with it. I haven't had the urge to investigate any further tie ups, though I do get a steady stream of strange requests, the most recent being:
"We are on the lookout for fantastic bloggers (like yourself) to join our new blogger program to utilize our site to help earn more money from the products you write about as well as expand your reach with our network of users and social channels!
I would love to schedule a quick chat with you and our CMO about the program, he can explain how it works, what you get and how to get started! Just let me know a time that suits you and which medium (Google Hangout, Skype or phone) is best."
If I was in any doubt about my lack of fit for such a commercial enterprise, somebody suggesting we meet in a 'Google Hangout', whatever that might be, would pretty much nail it.
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Source: torquemag.io |
A Top Sniffs and Nasty Niffs post is not in the offing
At the start of 2014, I ventured a round up of my favourite perfumes from 2013, dubbing it a 'slightly wonky edition'. For I had sniffed so few of the actual releases from that year that I decided to supplement them with any 'newish' perfumes that had crossed my path in 2013. But when January 2015 comes round, I can't see me attempting even a hybrid post like that, because I am so behind the curve with perfume launches - and testing generally - that such a list would be a complete non-starter. ;)
Guest blogging, and liking the sound of my own voice!
I have noticed a trend in the perfume community to enlist the help of guest bloggers - either to add alternative 'voices' or to maintain a steady flow of content. Even at the five year mark I will be honest and say I don't feel the need to introduce another 'voice' on Bonkers, which may be a bit selfish of me, but there it is. I figure that if someone wants to read a different style or tone of writing they have only to hop across to one of the host of other blogs out there. Put another way, I guess I have yet to get sick of the sound of my own voice, as it were (sorry!). As for the need to maintain regular content, in the spirit of slow blogging I don't adhere to any particular schedule, so that doesn't really apply to me.
I am getting more into skincare
Ex-Mr Bonkers used to joke about my being prone to fads: jogging, sudden urges to walk on Cannock Chase, cooking, knitting, whatever it may be. Perfume seems to be a long running fad at least, albeit at a lower level of intensity. Meanwhile, my interest in skincare is at an all-time high, fuelled as of this week by the doctor taking me off my long term regime of antibiotics to combat acne. From now on, the wellbeing of my complexion is in the sole care of brands such as La Roche-Posay and Paula's Choice, which - however well formulated these products are - is a bit of a scary prospect. I do struggle to follow a single routine though, not least because I have accumulated so many tubes and samples that I want to try all of them out, sometimes even segmenting my face into different trial zones(!) Then other days - or more usually nights - I can't be bothered with all the steps of a proper skincare ritual, and end up just slapping on a bit of Astral, my new surprise cheapie love, which may get a post of its own at some point.
Perfume Land is still a warm and friendly place (by and large)
Much has been written about what a courteous, supportive and generous place Perfume Land is, with its many blogs, Facebook groups and off-line gatherings, both formal and informal. My own experience of the 'perfume scene' has also been very positive and heartwarming in the main. Underlying tensions do sometimes surface, however, and there are even occasional outbursts of mean spiritedness, posturing and borderline thuggery. But I shan't dwell on these. I would say: 'You know who you are', but I am not at all sure they do!
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Source: lefroybrooks.co.uk |
I am still 'bonkers about bathrooms'
My bathroom renovation - research for which has popped up in blog posts over the spring months in particular - has ground to a halt this autumn, owing to all the relevant tradesmen going temporarily awol. As I don't like the thought of being without a bathroom in winter, I probably shan't mount a major cat herding offensive now till next year. But even though the project has stalled, my heart still skips a beat when I see an unusual or particularly sought after sanitaryware fixture. Last night, for example, I spied a Lefroy Brooks deck mounted bath shower mixer set at a friend's house, and was unfeasibly excited!
Finally, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the readers who have supported Bonkers down the years - or who have only recently come across it! - not forgetting the many who have landed here entirely by mistake. Followers and non-followers, lurkers and regular commenters alike, I salute you all. For while I probably would blether on like this even if no one was out there, knowing someone is reading does make the whole thing feel more worthwhile.
A very happy 5th dear Vanessa. You are a wonderful solo-blogger, and I am glad that you don't tire of hearing your own voice if that means we get many more anniversaries on Bonkers to celebrate. Cheers! ( and no need to enter me :-))
Hi Asali,
Thanks for your good wishes and encouragement - it feels a little narcissistic to *not* be fed up with the sound of my own voice yet. ;)
Five years!!! Congratulations my dear dear Bonks! I'm so glad that you're still blogging and I love the sound of your voice. And you have sent me many things in these last years (esp the most lovely birthday card - you are so very thoughtful!) so no need to enter me in the give-away either. Much love, my friend.
I love reading your posts, though I admit I'm pretty new to the scene. Stay true to yourself and don't worry about mixing up the 'voice'. As you know there's a lot if other voices in other blogs! I was excited to read about your bathroom remodel plans - my main blog tracked out bathroom remodel and for the clawfoot tub I got hardware similar to the photo you used. We refinished a buffet to use as a vanity and refinished a rusty clawfoot tub for the bath. If you'd like to see some photos for ideas, feel free to check it out. Rustyfarmhouse.blogspot.com. it was a long process, we gutted the bathroom and did all of the work ourselves with family help, but it took months and months. It didn't help that I was pregnant. :) Anyhow - congrats on 5 years, quite the testament to your love of a 'fad'. Cheers!
Okay sorry about the typos, I fail at phone typing!
Hi Carol,
You have sent me many things too - the hank of sock wool was a standout gift that I like fingering in its plaited state and may never actually get round to knitting, hehe. And thanks for coming up with the name Bonks at some point over the years - it still makes me smile...;)
Hi Sun,
We all fail at phone typing, so consider yourself totally excused..;).
I must confess to having found your blog when you first started following Bonkers, and thoroughly enjoyed reading about your bathroom remodel. So many nice touches and attention to detail - the purple scheme worked very well, I thought. Yes, I was impressed all round, not least because you said you were pregnant. If all my tradesmen desert me, I may be knocking on your door for a helping hand, hehe. ;)
By the way, I love the floor pattern, also those 'penny' / hexagon tiles in black and white. We don't have that style over here, but I have seen it in a lot of US bathrooms and wish it was available here.
Oh, and thanks for your kind comment - you are in the draw. As I mention above, alternative prizes are an option!
I love your posts, even if I don't get around to commenting very often. I want perfume to be a hobby, so like it when I find blogs without a competitive spirit in them, like it is just a matter of identifying every single note in a composition.Hope you will continue blogging for years to come.
When it comes to bathroom renovation, pick a reliable company. In the building I live we were unfortunate enough to get bad advice on what company to hire. Let's just say it meant dodgy work from sub-contractors and delays. One year after some mistakes have become more visible and will need fixing, hopefully at least as part of the 1-year follow-up of the guarantee. The slightly lower price than from other companies just was not worth the extra worries, arguments and delays.
Vanessa, thanks so much for the kind words! I don't get a lot of readers on my blog, so it's always exciting to find out when people have read it! :)
The bathroom was a lot of fun and while planning it out I did daydream about quitting my job to be an interior designer, hehe. But now we're too tired, poor and busy with the baby to begin any of the other renovations we want to do to the house, haha. So sadly the rustyfarmhouse blog is inching its way to the internet graveyard.
I agree about the Penny tiles - we actually have them in our bathroom downstairs. Originally we planned to use those in the reno, but then we came across the lantern tiles and fell in love with those. What a shame you can't get the Penny tiles in the UK. :(
Thanks for entering me into the draw!
I do try not to use "Bonks" when you post on my blog - not sure what people will think! xox
Happy 5th Birthday! I'm not sure I've ever commented before, but I do love reading your blog. I love your sense of humor and I have enjoyed following your adventures from perfume shopping in Germany, to following a band to your travels in the States.
When your bathroom renovation is complete, please post photos! I love home design almost as much as I love perfume, make-up and skin care.
I am looking forward to reading another five years of blog entries! Wishing you all the best.
Congratulations! I love your blog in all its quirkiness. No need for a guest blogger as far as I can see. Thanks for all your hard work!
Hi Ingeborg,
Thanks for commenting - it is always nice to hear from you. I can assure you that there will be no chance of my identifying every note in a perfume any time soon, hehe. If anything, my nasal abilities seem to be going backwards - I very nearly included a section on just that in my post, but was worried it might frighten readers away! ;)
Thanks too for the advice on bathroom contractors. Even though my team may be hard to pin down, I took a lot of time vetting them - the plumber who is project managing is someone I have used for 20 years - and the others (all of whom he sent along to me for 'audition'!) are well regarded in their particular trade, to the point of being super fussy about quality, as I am myself I guess. And I think only the plasterer and the builder and joiner who are moving the window have actually given me a quote as yet(!) I just know this is the team I want to use and my plumber will ensure they don't rip me off. Having a good vibe about tradespeople - also in terms of their integrity about a fair price for a job - is very important, especially when you are on your own, and could be perceived as an 'easy to diddle single woman client'!
PS You are in the draw - well, everyone is unless they have opted out!
Hi Tatiana,
I know your name very well from other blogs, so it is nice to know you are also a reader of Bonkers - thanks for stopping by! I am glad you like the variety of posts - I do worry that perfume is a bit of an add-on sometimes to whatever else I want to talk about. I may have said before that I am not so much a perfume blogger as a frustrated travel writer who likes perfume...
I most certainly will post 'before' and 'after' pictures of the bathroom project - you bet! And I promise not to keep any perfume bottles in there, not even one for show at the end of the bath, hehe.
Hi Sun,
Yes, when a new follower pops up, I routinely click on their name to see if they might have a blog of their own, and there was yours. You can imagine how pleased I was to find the bathroom reno post right at the top! I think you have real flair for interior design, and were it not for the demands of parenthood I would say 'go for it'. Though maybe the priority is to fix up the rest of your house the way you want it first.
Penny tiles - how much do I love them?! In getting inspiration for my (very small) bathroom, I got a lot of ideas from Pinterest, specifically photos of compact bathrooms in what I imagine may have been New York brownstones where space is at a premium. But so many aspects of the design - including some of the lovely styles of sanitaryware, and the tiles - are simply unknown over here. The lantern ones are also pretty - it's the dainty contrast of black on white.
Carol, please feel free to call me 'Bonks' anywhere... ;) I love to hear you say it, whatever people may think, hehe.
Am reposting this Facebook comment from my sister-in-law, Hazel, who had the usual Blogger bother when she tried to leave it here. ;(
"Anyway, the thing I was going to say was about the confluence of certain interests and the unmined seam for blogging on Knitting Your Cat a Scented Bathroom."
Thanks, Hazel - a rich seam indeed!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, bonkers. You're one of my favourites, but you already know that. Bleib wie du bist.
Happy 5th, Vanessa! And cheers to many more with your fumie sense of humor!
Please, do not enter me into the draw! It's good enough to know your writing exists in this witty form, and it can somehow keep me grounded, walking through the scented world!
Hi Sabine,
Danke, und gerne! Es wuerde mir nicht leicht fallen, anders zu sein.
Hi Lyubov,
Nice to hear from you - I do recall seeing you 'around'. :) And thanks for your kind comment about my humour. It's helpful to get feedback from readers on these sorts of occasions, so that I can either keep on doing what I am doing, or change tack as appropriate.
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your support, especially about the guest blogger issue. I do worry that it shows a sort of possessiveness and a lack of courtesy on my part not to involve other writers.
Oh, and good luck in the draw! Be sure to check the results in case you win, as I don't have your name to be able to contact you. ;) You can always keep in touch via flittersniffer at gmail dot com.
Wow, 5 years V. Many, many congratulations and jubilations!
Lovely anniversary post. It's not in the least bit selfish not to have a guest blogger. It only makes sense if it's a help to you. I think it's great that you don't feel the need/pressure. Slow blogging is clearly the way to go.
I don't think those people know who they are either! That did raise a smile.
I won't enter the draw despite the fab prizes as I feel I should fall under the "friends and family are excuded from entering" rule that you sometimes see. I hope so anyway!
Hi Tara,
Thanks very much, also for your faithful readership and commentship(!) down the years, which is much appreciated.
That is a good way to look at guest bloggers - as a 'help' rather than an essential part of blog etiquette - which was another of my themes last time come to think of it, which I didn't really pursue in this post.
I laughed at your 'friends and family' exclusion. You are of course squarely in that category, but I would have included you in the draw anyway, hehe. Though it is equally fine to opt out. ;)
Oh congratulations Vanessa, It's been a delightful five years, and why not introduce the odd post on skin care? Let a thousand pores be opened, to misquote the late Chairman Mao.
Hi Blacknall,
Thank you! I can see me carrying on with my odd posts - the subject has definitely got under my skin, hehe. I am sure Chairman Mao would agree with this adapted sentiment were he still around...;)
Congratulations on your big milestone! I love your voice! So if you ever feel like your blog isn't enough for it, you're always welcome as a guest writer on my blog ;-) (not that I'm trying to fill in a schedule or anything, for me it's more like one of the guests at my dining table has a story to share with everybody but I still will be serving tea and cake myself).
Twice in the past when I was prevented from linking to your blog from FB, I filled the form explaining that it was a mistake - and they never responded to it. I'm glad that your FB ban finally got lifted.
Once again - congratulations and keep doing what you're doing (just be very careful with your digits ; -) ).
Hey there Undina!
Thanks for your lovely - and most amusing! - comment. I like your take on guest blogging and that is a perfect analogy you give. I would be honoured to contribute to Undina's Looking Glass, even though my pace on Bonkers is already so slow as to preclude the likelihood at the moment. ;)
And I appreciate your efforts to overturn the FB blog ban - not once but twice, no less - so maybe people's cumulative attempts did triumph in the end.
Yes, I will be careful with my digits - am still not typing with that finger would you believe? The mere act of tapping a key is too much pressure not to hurt it.
I can't say I know much about what the inside of NY brownstones look like - but I know penny tiles are really prevalent in farmhouses (like mine) and craftsman homes. Though I saw them in the front area of a Maggiano's Italian restaurant as well... so who knows where they belong. :) Can you get some imported?? Would that be obscenely expensive?
On a sidenote I saw in another comment that you thought your nose was getting worse - or that your ability to pick out notes was going backwards. I laughed out loud. I started a little fragrance blog to help me keep track of the billions of samples I hope to try on my quest for FBW scents- and when I'm sniffing my wrist for "notes" I get things like "uh ... some kind of floral?" and "pickle" haha. Who knows if I'll ever progress past this stage! =D
Happy 5th blogoversary! I really enjoy your unique and quirky perspective as a "frustrated travel writer who likes perfume" and prefer an infrequent and irregular posting schedule to bringing in a different voice.
I'd be interested in reading any posts about skin care or makeup as I have a minimal skin routine and only dabble in makeup so it's fun to read someone tiptoeing into the field -- besides it'll bring up your beauty blog score! ;-)
No need to enter me into the draw, for as charming as the two gifts are I have promised myself to limit my perfume hobby acquisitions to actual perfume, an occasional pretty, empty bottle and perfume-related books.
Looking forward to all your future posts at whatever rate they come.
-- Lindaloo
Happy 5th Blogoversary, Vanessa. I like the slow-blogging approach, as there are so many perfume blogs to read now that when people start to post frequently, it gets hard to keep up. At any rate, here's wishing you all the best.
Happy 5th anniversary! :) Or blog birthday, however you want to celebrate it.
You know, I feel a bit like a bad perfumista, I don't have a single item with a perfume on it (whether it's a pillow or a T-shirt, or anything). That said, I do have enough perfumes that make up for it. ;)
Hi Sun,
I think I will have to just dream on about penny tiles until such times as I ever have a downstairs bathroom maybe. My plumber says the wooden floor in my upstairs bathroom would need to be supported to take the weight of tiles, and there is also the issue of access to the pipework below in the event of a plumbing problem. On balance I will probably go with painted floorboards, but I still fantasise about tiles!
And my nose is absolutely where you are currently at with your analyses of 'some kind of floral' etc. I don't think I have ever had a much keener sense of smell than that, though it is definitely deteriorating. Don't let it stop you sniffing and blogging though - it is more about the fun involved in the experience rather than the analytical side - or that is my MO, at least. ;)
Hi Lindaloo,
Nice to hear from you again and thanks for being a regular reader. I will definitely be posting more about makeup and skincare, even though I am pretty amateurish in both the way I test the products under review as well as how I photograph them. I am keen to boost my beauty blog rating, it's true, now that I am saddled with the darn thing. ;)
I might enter you in the draw all the same, as I was going to add the option of a pretty empty bottle actually - a Stuart crystal one I have featured on Bonkers somewhere because of its amusing warning about not actually putting perfume in it. For it occurred to me that not only might the T-shirt not be suitable for reasons of fit or age-inappropriate embellishment, but that a b/w cushion might not work with people's home interiors. And technically this bottle has a built-in flaw as well, but it would look pretty at any rate.
Hi Suzanne,
Thanks for the blogoversary wishes! With the best will in the world I do have trouble keeping up with the very frequently updated blogs, so I am glad that the slower approach is welcomed by some.
Hi Ines,
Thank you either way! I will put definitely you in the draw then - as I mention above in my comment to Lindaloo, I am extending the list of perfume themed items as I think it was a bit narrow before. And actual perfume is also an option. ;)
Happy blogoläum, dear Vanessa, five years really is a lot, I am so glad I found your blog, to me you are the wittiest perfume blogger on earth!
And now I'll put on some Eau Duelle in your honour.
PS: I love th picture of Charlie Bonkers watching over your samples...
Greetings from Berlin
Hi Anka,
I have learnt a new German word there, excellent...Du schmeichelst mir on the humour front, but thank you very much for saying so, and for marking the occasion with Eau Duelle - ideally of course, we could do with a scent that features *five* types of vanilla. ;)
Next time I am in Berlin, I would love to meet up!
Great, I would love to stroll around Berlin with you and speak Denglish or Germish! And stalk Geza Schoen...
It's a date! And how funny - I so nearly posted the exact same thing about stalking Geza. Well, 'loitering with intent in Kreuzberg on the offchance', at least. ;)
At the risk of being vague, or making you self-conscious, I like the English-ness of your blog. And no, I can't come up with any concrete examples of what makes it so very English, except the tea towel talk...AnnieA
P.S. I call it "bloggiversary"
Hi AnnieA,
'English-ness', got it, and thanks for the feedback. That should be easy to keep up, too! You're in the draw, with its ever more flexible prizes and unspecified end date. I guess I will end it before I put the next post up, which is probably going to be at the weekend sometime. These things may even benefit from a bit of a wild card factor, I'd say.
Happy five year landmark Vanessa! That's a long time. I wonder will I still be a raging fumie wordsmith in 3.6 years? I'd love to see a list of your favourites at the onset and now. Has your taste changed much over the years?
The T-Shirt looks wonderful. I have destroyed several plain Primark T-Shirts with freehand application black fabric ink in recent months. I was going for a classic Mitsouko bottle shape. I may have to get a tattoo instead! I shall raise a glass of wine to your anniversary tonight.
Hi Odiferess,
It's 3.6 years to go till you have been blogging for 5 years? How very fortuitous, given my last 'anniversary' post. ;) I'd say you have the stamina all right!
And you pose a good question about how my taste has changed; while I still love orientals most of all as a fragrance family, my leanings have changed otherwise in all sorts of ways. I had a greater tolerance of mainstream scents at the start of my hobby - which were mostly what I knew - and was very timorous around anything ballsy or animalic in any walk of the fragrance market indeed, from Paloma Picasso and Dioressence to Caron's Narcisse Noir. I am not sure I have the courage to try Narcisse Noir again even now, but on the whole I am far bolder in my appreciation of perfume. By contrast, I am less tolerant of modern musks than I used to be. There's probably a post in there somewhere, hehe.
Also, it seems that T-shirt would be ideal for you. Sorry your Mitsouko reproduction efforts didn't work out. You are in the draw for sure - toasting your health in return, with gin in my case!
Visiting via Parsimonious Decor Darling via Rose Chintz Cottage! So glad I stopped by. I just recently did a clear out of some of my older perfumes (yes, it hurt to let my little darlings go but seriously, I was getting worried they'd get "off" so shared before that happened). I, too, love Paula Begoun. I am going to wander through your wonderful blog now!!
Hi LBDDiaries,
You are very welcome and thanks for dropping in! Fear of perfumes going off is one shared by many of us, especially those with a SABLE (Stash Above and Beyond Life Expectancy).
I would buy more Paula Begoun if I could - maybe her products will have to be my next spending priority, as they are so effective.
Happy blogoversary V- 5 years is a nice milestone and worth celebrating / marking!
Enjoyed your post as always.
I'd love to try Narcisse Noir again. Maybe we could hold hands and brave it together. I have a bit of very old gone off Infini which we could warm up with.
Hi Lavanya,
Good to hear from you, and thanks!
Hahahaha! It may take that, in fact. ;)
happy 5th birthday to your blog! thanks for the giveaway :)
Hi Maxine,
Thanks for the good wishes!
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