I first met The Scentimentalist in real life the following year, on the occasion of her 40th birthday, for which she had organised a canal boat trip. I was flattered to be invited and didn't hesitate to accept, though I realised I wouldn't know any of the others there, including (technically) the birthday girl herself. But not knowing the guests - or even the host - at a party famously didn't stop me attending one at a fellow music fan's house in Ohio in 2005. I was in town on business and felt I knew the chap in question well enough from exchanges on a forum. And when I did pluck up the courage to go along, I received a warm welcome from him and his wife and their houseful of lively friends and band mates. These two experiences have made me bolder ever since about jumping at the chance to meet people you feel you know from Internet dealings based on a shared interest, whatever that might be. You will rarely be disappointed.
For her birthday, I had bought The Scentimentalist a purse spray of The Party in Manhattan, an aldehydic animalic chypre (or something along these lines). There's an amusing three way take on the fragrance in this post on Perfume Posse. Anyway, I felt it suited The Scentimentalist because it struck me as elegant, festive, effervescent, and not a little luxurious.
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Source: fragrantica.com |
Fast forward to the end of 2015...The Scentimentalist and I had kept in touch very sporadically, but I hadn't heard in a long while - my fault as much as anything - and wasn't even sure that she was living in the same town.Then, thanks to the wonders of WhatsApp, a platform I had not long acquired -specifically for the exchange of kitten pics with Truffle's owner! - I received a message from The Scentimentalist out of the blue one day and our friendship was 'reactivated', to give it its proper technical term.
She explained that she had been following Truffle's progress / antics / occasional bouts of inexcusable naughtiness on the blog, and had spied a potential gift for her, namely a designer collar for kittens, by Gucci, no less! It had been reduced in T K Maxx from a whopping £100 to £3, and as such had to be bought we felt, so a purchase was duly made. The presentation mount was a bit stained, but The Scentimentalist kindly had a go at buffing it up. I said it didn't much matter if the collar itself was fine, which it was.
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Of particular note is the astonished face! |
Anyway, the collar duly arrived, and when I looked at it it didn't seem quite as I expected. Stripy, with holes in it and a buckle, but somehow not as quntessentially collar-y as I was expecting. I left the present out on the dining room table for some days, looking quizzically at it from time to time. I didn't try it on Truffle at any point, as she was still small and I didn't want to scare her with an item I wasn't 100% sure how to competently fasten.
Then one day a male friend was over - the one who lives on a canal boat, aptly enough, if you recall. He is the fellow who is noted for his crumble-making skills, and who dutifully keeps his bottle of BEX Londoner SE1 in the fridge. Anyway, it turns out that he is also bonkers about watches, and thus it was that he took one look at the cat collar and pronounced it to be a 'field watch strap'. Absolutely unequivocably. A quick google of 'Gucci men's watch strap' fetched up pictures of the very item, or others bearing a pretty close resemblance. So...I had a bargain designer watch strap, but no watch. And Truffle had no collar, but it doesn't matter a jot really. I hope The Scentimentalist would agree that £3 is a small price to pay for the rekindling of a friendship, and now that Truffle is chipped, arguably she doesn't need one anyway.
Collarless Truffle - specially for Asali |
So The Scentimentalist and I are able to zap messages to each other on WhatsApp now, whenever the fancy takes us, which is great. Meanwhile, I have been thinking some more about Gucci, specifically which perfumes I know or like of that brand. I can't say I am familiar with the whole range, though Gucci Guilty smells fab on a friend of a friend, while Bamboo is pretty, but insipid. I didn't care for Flora, but can't put my finger on why - I think a slightly odd note of some kind spoilt it for me. The only other Gucci scent I know - and own a decant of - is Gucci by Gucci edp, which is not to be confused with Gucci Eau de Parfum, or any other slight reframing of the brand name, with or without 'Intense' suffixes!
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Source: johnlewis.com |
I came across Gucci by Gucci edp round about the time The Scentimentalist and I first 'met' on Basenotes. It was possibly the first scent I had tried that smelt 'a bit sexy'- I was mostly into designer stuff at the time. Gucci by Gucci is a sweet, honeyed, patchouli and musk number, conjuring up images of black leather sofas in the foyers of smart London hotels, of late night cocktails in low lit bars and making out in taxis, of slippery fabrics and vertiginous heels. It is accessorised with gold jewellery that is a little too chunky and veering to trashy. Some of which impression has been garnered from advertising, some the design of the bottle itself(!). Now Gucci by Gucci doesn't smell trashy as such, that would be unfair, but the combination of tiare (think Loulou!)and honey makes it a little too cloying to be elegant either. But it sets a sweetly sultry tone nonetheless, and I haven't smelt anything similar since, which is also good. Plus I like how it reminds me of my early days of exploration - when my lemmings were more likely to be Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely and DKNY Cashmere Mist than the latest Mandy Aftel or Vero Profumo. Gucci by Gucci certainly bottles that newbie phase of my perfume 'jour**y', and for that reason I will always have a soft spot for it.
Is there any scent you feel you have in some way 'grown out of', but which you remember fondly?
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Source: shopstyle.com |
Jicky ,I loved it w3hen I was 17 .
Hi Angie,
Aw, an attachment to Jicky is quite advanced for 17, I'd say.
Arpege. The first perfume that M bought for me and for a long time the only scent I wore. I have a vintage version which has gone a bit off, and the new one does smell slightly different. Not sure if I would wear a vintage in good condition, but somehow I doubt it. My tastes have changed quite a bit. Which reminds me to get to that Magie Nour you so kindly provided me with....
I guess Eternity by CK. About 20 years ago, it was my signature scent. Also Beautiful by Estée Lauder. Time flies...
L'eau d'Issey. I think I went through 4 bottles of this way before I was into perfume. It smells really awful now - maybe OK in the toilet but that's about it, and even then it might not work there. But it does remind me of Sydney where I lived for a few years, with somewhat fond memories of a completely different life.
I know you're doing a great job on FB posting pictures of Truffle, but still, I'm not sure it's fair to not add a photo of her in this post. I feel I was lured here under false pretence ;-)
Now perfume... I think I've definitely grown out of Feu d'Issey, even if I still love it, I just wouldn't wear it, it belongs to another time and place.
How great that you found each other again
Lovely post of rekindled fumie friendship.
I wore Obsession when I was in the sixth form and though I'm too scared to even sniff the nozzle now, I have fond memories of it because the bottle I got on a school trip to France was so precious to me.
Hi Sabine,
That's a happy association all right. I have a little mini of this somewhere - must check if it is still okay. I don't ever reach for it but I couldn't tell you why. I love aldehydic perfumes and it is a good example of the genre.
Good luck with Magie Noire! I have finished my sample of the Drops of Youth Sleeping Mask, thank you! I liked it, but have got the night creams I bought recently to finish before I might consider a purchase.
Hi Yukiko,
Ah, I also had Eternity around the turn of the 90s. Beautiful was popular at the time though I wasn't familiar with it then. And yes, time certainly flies!
Hi Megan,
Thanks for dropping in! I hope you don't mind - or not now maybe - but I once described L'Eau d'Issey as my "melon-scented-freshly-exited-shower-cubicle nemesis", and could never quite fathom its runaway success, albeit it seemed to capture the Zeitgeist at the time. Your associated memories of Sydney have got to be a great thing going for it though!
Hi Asali,
Duly sorted!
Feu d'Issey...interesting. That has become a bit of a cult now that it is discontinued. Very 'singular' I would say.
Hi Tara,
Thanks!, also for the scent memories of your school trip to France. I never really caught up with Obsession in my pre-perfumista days, though I quite liked Secret Obsession, which is no more, I believe.
I went through a few bottles of Opium in the mid to late seventies. Although I appreciate it was amazing and there had been nothing like it, it has not aged well. Not the vintage nor the paler version of today. Stuck in its era and I most definitely could never wear it again. Bussis CQ
oooh, I wore Obsession for Men a whole lot (waaaay too much at a time, no doubt) in the year after I left school (courtesy of a friend I used to go out dancing with a lot). One passing whiff of that and I'm 19 years old, and misbehaving in New York again. I can't imagine wearing it these days...I never even bought any for myself as it was so much a smell of that time, and place, and friendship.
Thank you V, she's just the perfect kitty-mix of adorable and mischievous.
Le Feu was my signature, back when one had signature scents :-)
Thank you! :)
I had to go to Fragrantica to see the complete list of Gucci perfumes and now I can say that 1) I've never worn any of them; 2) the only one Gucci perfume for women I kind of liked and would have worn if it weren't for my collection of so much better perfumes and 3) I absolutely loved Gucci Rush for men on A. (too bad it got discontinued).
I'm glad that you re-connected with your friend over a non-perfume-related subject :)
Truffle is so beautiful! I can't believe you initially omitted her picture from the post! Out of all the possible topics!!! You should have given her that "collar" as a toy - it would have been a great picture ;)
From my pre-perfumista times there were three perfumes that I liked a lot but then grew out of them: Givenchy Hot Couture, YSL Baby Doll and Valentino Rock 'n Rose. I threw away the remains of the first two bottles once they went off and re-homed an almost full bottle of the last one when I realized I would never wear it again.
Hi Val,
I know what you mean about Opium being stuck in its era. That's why I gravitate towards one of the lighter flankers, Fleur de Shanghai, when I felt in the mood for a spicy oriental with a bit of welly.
Hi Undina,
Oh, that was very thorough of you to go to Fragrantica and take a look at the full list of Gucci scents. You have reminded me that I like Gucci Envy and have once tried the women's version of Gucci Rush. What was the women's one you are thinking of in 2)?
I didn't put a pic of Truffle in initially because I worry that I have rather saturated my posts with kitten pics lately. And having addressed that omission now, I decided not to do one of her posing with the collar, because that is a style of illustration I associate so much with your blog and Rusty and didn't want to tread on R's modelling paws!
I was also interested to learn what perfumes you wore in your pre-perfumista days...Rock 'n' Rose is the only one of those I think I have tried. It was okay from memory. I don't mind Vera Wang Princess for that matter!
I don't believe I have ever smelt Obsession for Men, but it obviously had a powerful effect on you back in the day, hehe.
Hello! I was very touched to read this post! And I felt rather big-headed, too, especially at the suggestion that I might be "elegant, festive, effervescent, and not a little luxurious"! You may be interested to learn that I have worn Party in Manhattan on my birthday -- and on my birthday only -- every year since. On other occasions, I resort to Femme, which it resembles.
I'm also glad that the so-called "cat collar" (that's what you get for believing 12-year-old sales assistants) brought us back together, Van. But it wasn't just the "collar" that prompted me to make contact: there was the demise of my blog (my divorce and a freakish Google+ upgrade put paid to that!), but also the fact that, as you say, the blogging landscape had changed. And while there is much out there that I consume and enjoy, and many new names have come to crowd out the horizon, it was always 'Bonkers' that I returned to. It is telling that yours has been a loyal and steady readership; few bloggers have a voice (and outlook) as distinctive as yours, and few are as modest and unfailingly kind. I can't think of a mean-spirited word you've ever said, and you never self-aggrandize, though you know your stuff -- and you can write.
So, enough hiding your light under a bushel, dear Van. The bad penny is back -- to one of the originals, and best.
The Scentimentalist
PS And a scent I remain fond of, but have grown out of? Yeah! Sisley Soir de Lune! :-D
PS Wondering why my comments often come up in duplicate (see above deletion)? I hate Blogger!
I don't know how that omission had happened in #2 - I meant to say that Guilty was the only Gucci perfume I considered wearing.
You weren't reading my blog back then, so I want to share with you a short post on my encounter with the women's version of Gucci Rush (I'm especially proud of the picture I'd created for the illustration).
As to Truffle's modeling, I think we can definitely use more cats/perfumes in the Perfumeland: I think it's much more entertaining than multiplying official glossy images and adds a personal touch. Besides, we are still to make a cat person from Tara! (see my answer to her comment on my most recent post) ;)
I found the post and enjoyed it very much, not least the fact that you couldn't 'wrist' a retest. I wouldn't Rush to do so either. ;)
Thanks for filling in 2) as Guilty. I did think it quite pleasant myself, but it was lovely on my friend's friend.
Okay, will keep the Truffle pics coming! And that is a good point about Tara. She is conspicuously pet-free...
PS The illustration was excellent too!
I deleted the above deletion! It's an odd one, Blogger. A law unto its blinking self.
Hi there,
Oh I say, I don't know where to put myself after your more than generous tribute - 'kind comments' doesn't come close. I was as touched by them as I am glad to be back in touch with you.
And how funny about your falling out of love with Soir de Lune. That is priceless!
PS Was also chuffed and flattered to hear that Party in Manhattan has become your signature birthday scent!
I think a Gucci watchband the perfect cat collar. Good call Scentimentalist.
Our cats always had collars and bells, to their intense annoyance and the local faunas great good luck.
Portia xx
I don't know about fallen out of love with, but a recent spray of White Linen seemed very different. Fewer aldehydes I think.
As a non-user of Facebook I insist that a Truffle pic be placed in at least every second post.
Speaking of Truffle, as adorable (at least sometimes?) as she is, it is going to take some convincing that you didn't choose her just because she fits your decor ;-)
-- Lindaloo
I could have sworn I added a link to my comment! Sorry for the trouble :)
It was no trouble, really!
Hi Portia,
Well, I could try putting it on and seeing what happens,hehe...;) My past cats have sometimes had collars, sometimes not. Truffle is quite feisty, so my guess is she might prefer to stay collarless. xx
Hi Lindaloo,
Nice to hear from you! I wouldn't be surprised if White Linen had been fiddled with down the years, not that I am in a position to compare the modern version to how it smelt.
Request for bi-postal Truffle pics noted. If a photo could possibly be construed as germane to the topic in question, I will see what I can do. ;)
D'you think she fits my decor particularly? I have some brown tones here and there, certainly, and those cat pictures of course, but she has her work cut out to accessorise bright green, old gold and one or two other challenging shades elsewhere in the house. ;)
For the Truffle and bright green issue, you might want to do a post on whether readers prefer to "match" their perfume to their outfit, prefer to contrast, or don't give a d***. (In essence another reason for a Truffle picture.)
-- Lindaloo
Haha, Lindaloo, you are a wag!
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