Beauty was already on my radar, although I hadn't tried it at that point, and my friend's recommendation spurred me on to acquire a couple of samples on Ebay. I had read the rather sparse note description on Osmoz, which only lists ambrette seed, jasmine and cedar, but I like those well enough. According to the press release, the overall effect is meant to be that of a "neo-Calla lily", and I like lilies well enough too, real or illusory.

So the sketchy notes for Beauty looked encouraging. And the positioning of the fragrance to women over 40 also appealed to me. This is another reason why I have passed over CK fragrances until now - they all seem to be targeted at attractive, 20-something "his and her" clones, who are invariably pictured semi-naked and entwined in one another's arms. Some of them could even pass for twins, but you prefer to think they just met on set that day.

But none of this reality check stopped me from wanting to try Beauty, and I have worn it now about four times. It is much as I imagined, and just as Octavian describes it on 1000 Fragrances:
"Beauty is uncomplicated, easy to understand and universally known."
Yes, Beauty is familiar and relentlessly pleasant, and in my view none the worse for that. I get a lemony burst in the opening, then the only flower I can pick out is jasmine in that rather indistinct floral accord typical of so many modern scents, before it mutes down to a woody musky base, in which I think I may also detect vanilla. This fragrance strikes me a little bit like a mainstream take on Promesse de L'Aube, and given the shocking price of the Parfums MDCI range, even the palest of imitations are to be welcomed.

Robin of Now Smell This, who - out of all the "proper reviewers" - has the most congruent taste with my own, sums up Beauty as follows:
"There is nothing really distinctive or interesting about it: it’s just adequately pretty and wearable, and my sentiments are firmly with the reviewer on MakeupAlley who noted that 'elegant and sophisticated shouldn’t mean dull'”.

Added to that is the fact that out of all the perfume bloggers I know, I am the one most likely to be satisfied with a scent that is merely "pretty and wearable". On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is a preference for accessible, inoffensive scents and 10 is a liking for scents that are rampantly weird, my taste probably sits at around a 4. Some days even a 3. If Beauty was a perfect representation of leaves falling on reindeer fur that has been rubbing against lichen, bark and petrol-doused tyres, frankly, you wouldn't endear it to me any more.
CK Beauty isn't really a beauty, but it is certainly "personable". Or as my mother used to observe (somewhat cryptically): "Handsome is as handsome does." And Beauty comes in a simple, sleekly stylish bottle. Who knows, it could even turn out to be a "go to" scent. And I never thought the day would come when I would ever be IN2 A CK...
Photos of CK Beauty and Diane Kruger from moodiereport.com, photo of Calla lily from Wikimedia Commons, photo of Promesse de L'Aube from Luckyscent, photo of J'Adore L'Eau Cologne Florale from ideal.az
I'm going to kill blogger! It ate my third comment in 24 hours! (not all here)
Anyway, as I was writing a minute ago, I was wondering if you were going to write about Beauty since mentioning it the other day. :) I wish it would elicit any kind of response from me, it's just perfectly ok. But then again, on your scale (which I really like), I'm probably around 7, I like different (although I don't think everyone around me might be appreciative of that). :)
(Ines, I hate Blogger for that very reason.)
Oh, I dunno, FS, I think I might be about a 5 or 6 on your scale. But perhaps we 'fume bloggers just have a lower boredom threshold; we're always saying things like "been there, smelled that." My personal collection includes a number of "just pretty" fragrances.
I think Muse is right about the perfumista threshold...I'm possibly a 5, or more fairly, a 4.5.
Okay, on to Beauty. I had a chance to sample it yesterday and abhorred the opening. It was intensely harsh and 'perfumey' on my skin, and lacked the lemony flutter I'd hoped for to inter-mingle with the magnolia-esquedness (how many words am I making up???) I'd expected to find as in J'Adore l'Eau. But once the olfactory equivalent on nails on the chalkboard subsided and the base notes emerged, I quite liked it :-)
I like pretty, but I want to really smell the jasmine. I'll give it a try anyway.
Hi Ines,
So sorry about Blogger's continuing bad behaviour, and thanks for persevering. Was interested to learn that you are a 7 on my scale. Before I logged on and picked up Muse's and lovethescents' scores for themselves, I had already given the matter some thought, and off my own bat assigned Muse a 5, lovethescents a 5, Robin of NST a 6, kjanicki a 6.5, Josephine a 7.5, Angela of NST an 8 and Chickenfreak an 8.5, and I am still mulling over a few other people!
Hi Muse,
Sounds like I wasn't far off the mark with my rating for you... : - )
I know what you mean about the "been there, smelled that" feeling, but I think on balance I am more likely to like something pretty and safe than something groundbreaking and strange. And in that way I guess I am more in step with the market as a whole.
Hi lovethescents,
I am so sorry you got a "nails on chalkboard" and "perfumey" opening. By "perfumey" do you mean something in similar vein to Joy or Fracas, or some other perfumey perfume you could put a name to? : - ) I have to say Beauty is really soft on me and quieter than J'Adore L'Eau and Magnolia Nobile - and we appreciate so many scents in exactly the same way. But this may be one of the exceptions - and we have a few!
Hi kjanicki,
Do let us know if you smelt the jasmine. Don't expect anything approaching A La Nuit, mind!
What do I mean by 'perfumey'...tricky....maybe something screechily synthetic, perhaps? Don't get that from Joy or Fracas....get that from lots of mainstream stuff, hoping that i don't sound completely snobby!
I do like the J'Adore l'Eau but do.not.like Magnolia Nobile: Soapfest!!
Hi lovethescents,
"Screechily synthetic" is bad all right! I wouldn't like this myself if it had come across that way on my skin. And I agree about Mag Nob and the soap business. I like it despite the soap and some sprays seem less soapy than others for some reason, so I persist with it.
FS, I appreciate your review much more than I would appreciate the actual perfume, I'm afraid. My nose is simply too high maintenance to track down a perfectly respectable, nice enough perfume.
Hi Josephine,
I am not at all surprised that Beauty is not calling your name - would you agree with my classification of your tastes on the blandometer as 7.5, where 10 is going in the completely opposite direction?
I sense though that you wouldn't need to do any "tracking down" to find Beauty. It is only October, but I was falling over Christmas boxed sets in store already!
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